The Artoo workshops at schools and museums enable kids to come into contact with artworks and become authors of content about art.
Artoo and his helpers support the children all the way through this experience. The bear knows very well that since kids have no rigid conditioning or mental structures, they’re able to fully grasp art and help grownups discover it.
What do kids do with Artoo? First of all, they are invited to say what they feel when they look at a painting.
The audio content produced by the kids is then collected using multimedia technologies that enable their thoughts and experiences to be independently recorded, and ultimately to create a great collective story about art as seen through the eyes of children.
Starting from this initial moment of exploration, the kids are invited to create drawings based on what they saw in the artwork.
The child is the protagonist of the entire process on this journey: their voice, their artistic work, their creativity become the essential elements out of which content is constructed, content that is meaningful for adults, too.
The workshops last roughly an hour and a half per class.